
Signage outreach and testing with DOEE

We’ve just wrapped up a whirlwind of outreach and testing events for the D.C. Department of Energy and Environment’s new stormwater signage program! CG developed a series of signs to identify and explain these innovative and green stormwater projects—like rain gardens, permeable paving, cisterns and green roofs. The signage will also tie into a database and reporting site to streamline maintenance work.

Over the past several weeks, we’ve shared and tested preliminary designs with several groups of varying familiarity with green infrastructure. Maintenance crews gave valuable feedback on stewardship messaging, watershed partners suggested topics to emphasize and clarify, and local schoolkids confirmed understanding of signage concepts by creating their own versions of signs!

We’re looking forward to advancing and refining these sign designs in the coming months, and continuing outreach efforts through the late summer and fall.

Signage outreach and testing with DOEE