
A new Data Science Building for the University of Pennsylvania

CG has partnered with Lake Flato Architects and KSS Architects on a new Data Science Building for the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia’s first mass timber building. CG designed a comprehensive exterior and interior signage system, donor recognition, and environmental branding.

The building will be a hub for cross-disciplinary collaborations that harness expertise, research and data. Planned features for the Data Science Building include active learning classrooms; collaborative spaces for student projects; research centers for new socially aware data science methodologies; and laboratories that will develop data-driven, evidence-based solutions for safer and more cost-effective healthcare.

The signage was designed with the same focus of sustainable strategies and environmentally friendly materials as the building itself, reflecting the unique culture of the University of Pennsylvania and its mission of creating a campus environment that moves beyond sustainability to one that actively improves the quality of life and the environment for its users.

A new Data Science Building for the University of Pennsylvania